Tanager in the Community
Live More. Give More.

At Tanager we believe in the importance of serving our community. We give back to our neighbors through charity work and build our awareness of social injustice initiatives.
The Soup Kitchen Charity London
The Team at Tanager is supporting The Soup Kitchen charity (London) as part of our Tanager in the Community initiative. Established in 1986, The Soup Kitchen charity is a resource for the homeless, elderly, lonely, and vulnerable in London, providing free meals, clothing, toiletries, and a sense of belonging. In 2023, Tanager was proud to be one of the top three financial supporters of The Soup Kitchen. Read on to discover ways we are trying to make a difference in our local community.
Staff Volunteering
The Tanager team is volunteering at The Soup Kitchen charity throughout the year helping serve meals at lunchtime. On a rotational basis, two employees every month take a break from the office routine and head down to Tottenham Court Road to help out with preparing and serving the food.
Tanager Walks
In April 2023, Tanager led a walk from Canterbury Cathedral to Southwark Cathedral, following along a pilgrimage route. We raised £35,000 which enabled The Soup Kitchen to set up a much-needed evening service for those that rely on their aid. Find out more about the charity walk here.
Donation Drive
In December 2023, the Tanager team delivered a bundle of items to the Soup Kitchen following a donation drive at our London office. We were able to collect coats, jumpers, and toiletries (including toothpaste, toothbrushes, and deodorant) to help those in need.
How we can work together
Financial Planning
Adding value to US/UK individuals and families with a carefully tailored financial plan to help you understand and reach your life goals.
Investment Management
Discretionary investment management tailored to your specific needs as a transatlantic household.
Philanthropy & Giving
Living abroad does not alter your commitment to give to worthy causes. Being a US and UK taxpayer you will want to ensure you make the most of your gifts to charities in both locations.
American-led financial advice for transatlantic households
Tanager is led by dual-nationals in Britain and the US that have lived internationally. We formed Tanager to guide you on your journey to a successful financial future.
News and insights from our team
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