Spring Update 2023
With Spring just around the corner, welcome to our regular update on the Tanager Team.
Tanager Team
Our team continues to grow as we welcome two new members to our expert Financial Planning team, Travorn Brown and Ieuan Martin. Ieuan joins us from an Surrey-based IFA, whilst Travorn, a student of psychology, is starting out his financial planning career at Tanager. Natasha Parkes and Oliver Brading also join our Client Service team assisting our clients during their onboarding experience and the servicing of their accounts. Natasha brings with her valuable operations experience and an Account-Portfolio Management background. Oliver is just beginning his career in financial services with us here at Tanager, having previously worked in a variety of client facing roles.
We said goodbye to Nikita Edwards at the end of 2022. We wish him the best of luck in his new role in private banking!
Congratulations to to Tanager Partner Abbas Somji and his wife on the birth of their first child, Mila, in January.
Tanager Talks Webinar Program
The firm has started a regular program of webinars. The goal is to discuss key issues and challenges faced by US and UK taxpayers resident in the UK and the USA.
Topics already discussed include UK Pensions for US Residents and Financial Planning and Investments for US Citizens in the UK
The next webinar addresses 529 Plans for US citizens in the UK and will be held on 21st March. You can sign up here.
To view our webinar program and sign up to further dates, please visit our Tanager Talks page. We encourage you to submit relevant questions to be answered by our experts.
Tanager in the Community
The rearranged charity fundraising walk draws closer. A team of walkers including Tanager Managing Partner Alex Eichhorn, The Soup Kitchen (London) CEO Alexander Brown and lead walker Roger Saller will set off on Saturday April 15th from Canterbury Cathedral. Five days and about 100 miles later they will finish at Southwark Cathedral having followed the ancient Pilrgims Way.
Tanager colleagues, clients and professional advisors from Tanager’s network will be joining the main walking party each day. There are plenty of spaces open and plenty of time to sign up. For more information please visit our dedicated Tanager Walks page on our website where you can view the itinerary. All we ask is that you are reasonably fit and are able to walk 20 miles in about 8 hours and are prepared to contribute to our fundraising effort. If you would like to support us in reaching our target fundraising total of £30,000 you can also donate via this page.
The team were devastated by the death and destruction caused by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Over 50,000 people have been killed and the earthquake has affected an area a huge area that includes 113 million people. The UK Disasters Emergency Committee have launched an appeal to raise money to support search and rescue, medical treatment, shelter and supplies. The partners at Tanager offered to match employee donations up to £20 in aid of this cause raising over £500
We encourage you to follow the link below and donate what you can to this effort:
Further articles on Investing
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Our team of experts are ready to discuss your financial future.